Adult Protective Services investigates reports of self-neglect within 1-3 days, depending on the state
A health care provider or Adult Protective Services (APS) screens every case that is reported. If the case passes the initial screening, then an investigation is started. The exact method by which APS investigates varies state-by-state. Almost always the health care provider and APS will contact one another. They may also contact the person who made the report. In general:
- APS caseworkers take and investigate reports of self-neglect
- APS caseworkers make unannounced home visits
- APS caseworkers may interview other family members to get more information about the problem
- APS caseworkers offer protective services
- APS caseworkers in certain situations may call the police or other emergency services (National Adult Protective Services Association, n.d.).
In Texas, a report to Adult Protective Services is confidential. It is not subject to public release. The law protects those who make a report in good faith. Even unfounded suspicions can be reported and your identity is kept confidential (Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, n.d.).
ReferencesNational Adult Protective Services Association. (n.d.). What is Adult Protective Services? Retrieved from http://www.napsa-now.org/get-help/how-aps-helps/
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. (n.d.). Texas Adult Protective Services. Retrieved from https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/adult_protection/
Last updated: June 7, 2020 at 16:43 pm by
I. M. Abumaria, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Version 2.00